transparent silicone rubber ball with a hole in the center
Industrial rubber ball with a center round hole

transparent silicone rubber ball with a hole in the center

transparent silicone rubber ball with a hole in the center is used widely,usually used for pump,valve and toy.

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transparent silicone rubber ball with a hole in the center

We have various sizes hot sell red rubber ball and other colors in stock, welcome every friend inquiry us.

Rubber balls main types:

A rubber ball from the material can be divided into three general rubber ball (white ball), silicone ball, bullet ball.
1, ordinary rubber ball is made of natural rubber is mainly used for general screening vibrating sieve material.
2,silicone rubber ball with a hole in the center in the center with good elasticity, abrasion resistance, high temperature and advantages of easy to fall off, mainly used in food, pharmaceutical, chemical and other hygiene requirements are relatively high industry materials screening.
3, bullet ball is used in composite materials with small solid elasticity, wear resistance, and other characteristics can be used repeatedly (elastic can be customized on request).

If have any questions, please feel free to contact us about transparent silicone rubber ball with a hole in the center.
Rubber Ball Model:

Third, transparent silicone rubber ball with a hole in the center, silicone balls and bullets balls are round, solid shape, use and processing of mold is identical.
1,2mm,5mm,6mm,8mm,9mm,10mm,15mm, 18mm, 20mm, 25mm, 28mm, 30mm, 35mm, 40mm, 45mm, 50mm and other models.

Material Description
Category oil resistance wear resistance low temperature high temperature acid resistance alkali resistance weather resistance water resistance
 NBR Very good Very good  -40  +125 good   good   moderate   good
 ACM  Very good   Very good   -25  +150 moderate  moderate  very good  moderate
 FKM  very good  very good  -20  +250  good  moderate  very good  good
 EPDM  moderate  good  -40  +125  good  good  very good  very good
 PTFE  very good  very good  -65  +260  very good  very good  very good  very good
 SBR  moderate  very good  -45  +100  moderate  good  moderate  good
 HNBR  very good  very good  -25  +140  good  good  good  good
 VMQ  good  good  -60  +225  moderate  moderate  very good  moderate

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